Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 Reading Goals

It's that time of year again. People commit to lose weight, exercise regularly, stop smoking, finally do that thing they've been talking about for years...and then there is me...

I'm not a huge fan of making resolutions. If there is something about you that you want to change then why would you wait for a new year? But I do like to make goals. I like things to be measurable, mostly because I want to know that I am progressing and not becoming stagnant. So maybe I just don't like the word resolution? Somehow in my mind there is a difference between the two.

Anyway, philosophical musings aside, I have set four reading goals for myself for this coming year and today we are going to talk about those. A year from now I want to be able to know what kind of progress I made. For me, it's more about making significant progress toward my goals than necessarily conquering all of them.

Goal #1 Read a minimum of 120 books
This should be no problem at all. It's 10 books a month which is very doable for me. According to goodreads, in 2016 I read 126 books, but I know it was actually slightly higher because I didn't always mark the books I reread. I thought about setting it higher but I don't want a goal that is going to prevent me from picking up chunkier books so 120 it is.

Goal #2 Read the books I own
My goal is, at the end of the year, to have read every book sitting on my shelves. I have not counted exactly how many that I have not read. But it's not an obscene amount so I think this one should be doable as well.

Goal #3 Have less than 100 books on my goodreads TBR
At this exact moment I have 436 books on my To-Read list. I really want to pare that down. Obviously that doesn't mean reading all of them. First of all it just means going through the list and seeing what I still want to read and then maybe going to the library and perusing them. Some I will still want to read but I can guarantee that there are many that can just be deleted from the list.

Goal #4 Read at least 20 books toward my Classics Club goal
If you are not familiar with Classics Club you can check out my previous post on it here. So far, of the 50 books on my list I have read one. So I need to work on that...

There are many other goals I could make: authors I want to read, countries I want to visit in books, award winners...but I feel like I need to get some of these basic goals under control first. Maybe next year I can be more creative and diverse in my goal setting. 

Also, a blog related update: I am going to be blogging slightly less consistently. I will continue to do my weekly wrap ups on Fridays and I will blog regularly on Mondays as well. Wednesday will be a little more sporadic. I don't always want to participate in the Top 5 Wednesday topics and in the last couple months I found myself writing just to fill up space and I don't want to do that either. I want to give you well thought out blog posts and not filler. 

Happy New Year to you all! I would love to hear about your reading goals as well so feel free to share in the comments. 

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